Moster or Mowster or Electric Mowster (n.) MOH-stur
Any appliance or gadget that can perform multiple tasks that are inconveniently simultaneous, for example a lawnmower toaster.  This word was invented by me 5/28/09 in defiance to the fact that words like most trump despite there being a moster and a mostest.

Brolanthrope (n.) bro-lan-thro-PEE
Any of a a type of Dude that mysteriously transforms into a Bro when consuming PBR after sunset.  These are considered less hostile than ordinary Bros, but may often be mistaken for Bros when out for brorape.  This word was invented by me 11/30/09 in a miscommunication over the utterance of the word “Brolantropy” by Jeff Brys.

Passer-bis (plural n.) pass-err-BIZE
Any of a group of people who may surface at a party as a bisexual, and remain straight the following morning.  The same type of person may or may not confuse the word passer-bys with passers-by… which is a painful subject for compound noun pluralization.  Passer-bys be damned!