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The Aspect of Justice

Mortars, martyrs and the people underneath
Flares, tracers and streaks across the sky
And isn’t it beautiful?
O God how pretty it is

Absent the homicides
All the cold-blooded murder
Without one genocide
Your reign is benevolent

But we are wrought with sin
And our pride has been damaged
So any good we do
Reminds us this of you

And down here in the filth
In our introspection, selfishness
There’s no room for anyone else
Where’s the justice in loneliness?

Justice is blind

Justice is blind

Anita Kafine

There’s something in the way we never talk
She’s up early, I take the dogs for a walk
I’d rather have a pick me up than be sleepin in
So I’ll be missin her until she’s back again

When I’m laying there and you awake
You see me there in a fragile state
But I come home, sometimes you’re around
Those are the best days I have found

I head to the store on your day in
Come back and you’re just chillin
So amped up, ready to go
She tells me what I already know

She said “Do anything but I’ll be around”
My feet hit the ground, I hit the town
She’ll be in bed by the early AM
But you can’t hide a bad habit in a soda can

How to mow the lawn

property, small but free

So there’s a story about post-Soviet Russia, of a tourist looking over at some urban green space being landscaped and seeing about ten guys with weed-whackers, laboriously cutting the grass. He asks why it isn’t one man, pushing a gas lawnmower that barely costs more than one of the tools currently in use, getting the job done faster and cheaper. “Mumble mumble…EMPLOYMENT!” comes the answer. The men’s employer is paying ten paychecks instead of one, because it is somebody’s goal (probably a policy goal) to increase paychecks. In effect, the use of the wrong tool for the job is here a welfare program.

And here we are, right in the teeth of an apparent paradox that absolutely confounds an unfortunate number of people. Because “Unemployment,” is the most immediately observed economic evil, make-work measures of this kind that actually discard productivity, are regarded as helpful economic treatments. The Free Market…

View original post 3,660 more words

The Loving Family

Guiltless in the veneration
Distracted by adoration
How quickly it slips all away
Neglected responsibilities in the fray

“How great it is to have” you said
Hugging each other before the dead
Taking for granted such a blessed gift
Yet all the while the maintenance drifts

Blissfully blind and deaf ears turned
Enabling and getting them burned
Your brood and priceless treasures
Dominated by Earth’s dark pleasures

I’d apologize at how hard it will all be
If you would wield the tools of honesty

The Orphan

An Orphan

What once manifests itself as judgment and desires,
Placates the mind in its ever search for congruency.
When reality is gained, retribution befalls it,
And displacement is the coveted acceptance.

If the mind is a prison, then who else to rely better on?
An obsession with survival clouds the ability to trust.
Inheritance does not fall short of a name, or a past,
But looking for answers yields only flat conclusions.

The aging face hardens when reflecting on its image,
The ponder is no longer of who made it.
In actuality it never crossed the mind-
Nothing is what made me this way.

The nothing is a beautiful emptiness, though,
A small spark can become an uninterrupted explosion.
The freedom to create anew, design with a concrete plan,
To start a legacy bold enough to outlive the lost.

I am thankful that I was told to be polite,
When I am served hardship, I finish my plate.
But I’m not a damned fool to ask for seconds,
… I just have to pretend I’m not that hungry…

Fast Food Flicks

Breakfast Jack at Tiffany’s

Big Mac Lebowski

Hot Dogma

Fight Wendy’s Chicken Club

Murder Burger by Death

Resevoir Chili Cheese Dogs

The Green Burrito Hornet

The French Toast Sticks Connection

Old Filler Post #1

It Lies Within

I feel myself rotting
My emotions buried within mold
And decomposing into physical hurt
My reluctance to tell
And reveal my thoughts to the world
Result in this agony
I writhe with my lack of outlet
And constant force of more in the bottle
And suffer eternally until I explode
And release my thoughts into the world

The void we call home
Where no one is honest
Everyone is hiding something
Nothing changes out minds
Everything controls us, but we

Nobody really thinks outside the box
Because we are all trapped inside
By intangibles: morals, love, and others
The forces that make life flow
Around us in a case, not easily broken
If and when we break this cage
By violating a thread: morals, loves, or life itself
Is when we escape into the void
Where spirits roam, and devils and angels sing

The Field


When it comes time to dream, or even relax so deeply that the image in your mind defines your existence instead of vice-versa, I often think of big fields with waist-high weeds. View full article »

Known in Japan as Estpolis Denki II

Lufia 2

Released to America in Summer of 96 (Japan early 95, almost immediately before Chrono Trigger by Squaresoft).

This Neverland epic probably lost thousands of gamer hours because Chrono Trigger is on so many “Top (X)” lists around the globe.  The Lufia prequel (see Mother vs. Earthbound) is somewhere between 25-90 hours on a play through. There are many elements to the game, sidequests essentially, which can be completed without too much detouring or retracing (with one huge, deliberate exception).  Let’s break down this RPG and get the word out for why it is so awesome.  Classic games still stack up with releases a decade later because they pushed their limits and reached the boundaries within their simplicity.  Modern developers are constantly restricted by deadlines, technical requirements, and supporting the flash-media genre where every second of the game is interactive. View full article »

Love & Light

When what you want
Is to be truly happy
And how you feel
Is like you’re wandering
It Is utterly dependent
On your own self
To make the best for you
How can two
Totally different bodies
Come together as one
In a world so torn
Without united desires
To make together what can be
Achieved Independently
