Tag Archive: battle

The War in the Tree House

I don’t even remember what were fighting over.


The battle was wearisome, as near the end rounds were sparsely fired, explosions dwindled, and helicopters grew thirsty for fuel.  I started throwing bottled water at my enemy.  I tied one onto a long piece of fishing line and tried to get it tangled over a branch.  As it began its descent, the helicopter was making another pass.  I saw both forms moving slowly in their own worlds, neither knew of the other’s existence.  I left myself open as I stared at this momentary, mathematical beauty, the gunner had me in his sights.   Continue reading

Final Fantasy (nes)

1.  The year is 1990, and Square ports to English Final Fantasy.  By the time you arrive at the second screen you are faced with a decision of what kind of party to form, whether it be balanced with blackbelts and mages and warriors, or the dreaded four white mages.  Whatever your fancy is, this is the style you make your fighting in:

  • Random Encounters – Are the huge tiles beneath you that represent miles of map safe?  If you take another step will you fight a monster? 9 Imps? What lies across that bridge?  Will I make it back to town before my last dude dies?  I give this game an overall paranoia rating of 4 out of 5.  I have crossed over 50 squares without a battle only to be stricken down with 3 battles in 15 squares shortly after… and don’t even get me started about that damned boat. Continue reading