Tag Archive: final fantasy

The most basic of differences is black and white.  Whether it be the Zapper from Duck Hunt or the flat Othello marbles, there is something mechanically sound about black and white.  Black moves first in chess.  White is good.  Black is bad.  But black is also badass.  It occurred to me that you may still be wondering what the zapper has to do with black and white.  It turns out that this light gun is the world’s first primitive digital camera.  It takes a reading from your screen when you pull the trigger; the screen turns black and the duck’s binding box is draw in white. Continue reading

Long Distance

myyearbookphotoIt recently came up as a difficult question, “What is your favorite song?”

I usually answer this question with my instinctive “Pepper: The Butthole Surfers” then I get lost in a tangent of what a terrific album Electricalarryland is.

There is an orchestrated Japanese video game song with lyrics sang by Risa Ohki entitled Long Distance which is quite possibly the most beautiful song I had ever heard.  She has a beautiful voice and there is just all that appeal of Final Fantasy and Nobuo Uematsu (one of my musical heroes).

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