Tag Archive: wisdom

Miniseries: Pt 3 – Level Up!

One thing I find amusement in is that we make up things to explain complicated things in fewer words, which are almost entirely lies.  This event becomes a bit humorous when the invented things seem to replace the actual things represented in more and more circumstances, like some sort of intellectual plague.  For example, the “Level Up” exists to indicate growth in a game.  After repeating the same action over and over, why not?  You should be getting better, stronger, wiser, and perhaps older too.

Level Up!

#3 Level Up!

Basic – A level is a number representing the overall experience and abilities of a character, usually from 1 to 99.  The character’s attributes ether go up randomly or the user can choose which strengths are enhanced.

Masculinity – You might want to consider leveling up before asking her out.

Accidental – I would have a better shot from one level up.  LEVEL UP!

Confidence – Grind all you want, not even a level 99 can fuck with me.

Irony – In FFVII it becomes harder to Morph a high HP unit without first accidentally killing it.

Age old – If at first you don’t succeed, level up and try again.

Applied – Ten tough battles yields more than one hundred easy battles.

Wisdom – The greater struggle prepares you faster for the task at hand.

Unconventional Wisdom – The over-prepared misses all the trials of life.

The most basic of differences is black and white.  Whether it be the Zapper from Duck Hunt or the flat Othello marbles, there is something mechanically sound about black and white.  Black moves first in chess.  White is good.  Black is bad.  But black is also badass.  It occurred to me that you may still be wondering what the zapper has to do with black and white.  It turns out that this light gun is the world’s first primitive digital camera.  It takes a reading from your screen when you pull the trigger; the screen turns black and the duck’s binding box is draw in white. Continue reading

I love comics.  I especially love Waterson’s and Larson’s creations, and I’ll troll around xkcd and pennyarcade from time to time.  I cannot draw, but I can dream.  I’m going to give back to the world in my own humor-intended, witty, text-only way.

What’s a ‘supermeme,’ you ask?

In short, a cultural artifact that invades our being on multiple levels.

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