Tag Archive: time

The Field


When it comes time to dream, or even relax so deeply that the image in your mind defines your existence instead of vice-versa, I often think of big fields with waist-high weeds. Continue reading

Down the Up Escalator

Sometimes you have to go back in order to go forward.

This makes more sense than it feels against the tongue when uttered.  We’re born in the middle of a fantastic world with a rich history and an endless future.  Our ability to make progress comes only from our manipulation of previous ideas in combinations never tried before.  We can look for errors in previous tests or respect their inconclusiveness.  Sometimes when an idea is born the tools that create it need to be made first.

Time is linear.  There is no turning back.  But life isn’t a time, it’s a path.  When we arrive at dead-ends we backtrack.  When we make a choice we pause and consider where each decision leads us.  Despite all this, I do not think life is about who lives the longest, or who goes the furthest on their path.  Perhaps one measure of a man is the distance on the path over the length of time lived, but life has no measure.

I can see the crossroads in front of me, but I don’t know what leads where yet.  When I get there, I’ll go confidently.  There are no wrong choices.  I have just grown so envious of a life I don’t have yet.  The empty cup of mine has a stain; Refusing to wash it, it can only be filled with the same.