dothemarioThese will not appear in alphabetical order, but instead as I think of them from A-Z and then fill in the ones that I remember later… Etymology ftw!

afk – (AY-EFF-KAY) adj.literal: Away from Keyboard. Actual – I am leaving for quite some time, and cannot guarantee I will return, I cannot see what you’re typing. This is common for computer users who have celebrated bowel movement durations or people who have ADD (or ADHD, its hyperactive cousin) and know that they’ll forget about their computer once they get up. Origin: Instant Messaging, to let the recipient to know they should stop typing dirty things into the window, as it’s already been closed on the other end and someone else might see it while they’re gone.

brb – (BEE-ar-BEE / berb) n. (event)literal: Be right back. Actual: I will return after completing aforementioned task or tend to something outside of the virtual world that I care not to discuss. Origin: Most likely when Instant Messaging became prevalent it was important to notify the recipient that you would be afk so they don’t worry about ignored questions. This helps people to not feel like an idiot or a reject. Continue reading